Obsidian Point

Obsidian Point: A Triptych
(two poetry sequences and an essay)

Lone Oak Press
Red Wing, Minnesota
108 pages, paperback

Cover painting by Lisa Nankivil
Author photos (1975) Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (1991) Maggie Hogan
Cover design by Nu2 Nugent Design

Available through the author, Lone Oak Press, Amazon.com, Alibris, AbeBooks.

Reviews Comments Where to Buy

Orval Lund

As I read Ken McCullough’s Obsidian Point I said to myself, “I’d love to spend some time out in nature with this guy.” As I read on, I realized that I was doing precisely that. McCullough’s work has the acute observation, the fine attention to detail, the leisurely pace, the sense of wonder, that only little children or those who have matured into a deep love of nature can know. And the measured and tasted language of the latter. Reading his work, your lungs will expand, your steps will bounce, you will grow hair, and your bones will ache. But it’s a good ache.

Painting by Lisa Nankivil for "Obsidian Point" Book Cover

Photos of painting, books and other works by Kathy Greden

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